Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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Yurari Rokumyo
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ascensore, Deposito bagagli
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
29 m²
Japanese Style Superior Annex
23 m²
Japanese Style Room
29 m²
Superior Japanese Style Room
20 m²
Japanese Style Villa Annex
annex japanese style room rock open air bath 4.5 and 8 tatami non smoking
with Private Open-Air Bath
annex japanese style room cypress indoor bath 6 and 10 tatami non smoking
Annex Superior Scenic View Japanese-Style Room with Cypress Bath
Japanese Style Room Annex
Yurari Rokumyo
Yufu, Giappone
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