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The Peach Blossom Island Hotel in OYO Danyang
No.168 Danjin Road
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Servizio in camera [24 ore su 24]
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
18 m²
Standard Room (2 beds)
2 single beds
23 m²
Triple Room
3 single beds
18 m²
Deluxe Room (2 beds) (Smoking)
2 single beds
18 m²
Deluxe Room (2 Beds)
2 single beds
18 m²
Standard Double Room
1 double bed
18 m²
Deluxe Double Room
1 double bed
18 m²
Deluxe Room (Double bed) (Smoking)
1 double bed
16 m²
Guestroom - Single Occupancy (Singlebed) (Special Promotion, No Window, Shared Bathroom)
1 single bed
16 m²
Guestroom - Single Occupancy (Singlebed) (Special promotion, no window, shared bathroom, smoking)
1 single bed
20 m²
Themed Room (Smoking)
1 double bed
The Peach Blossom Island Hotel in OYO Danyang
Zhenjiang, Cina
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