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Thank Inn Xinjiang Urumqi Xinshi District Kashgar Dong Road Normal University
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ascensore, Deposito bagagli
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Lingue parlate
Cinese [Mandarino]
Dove dormirai
55 m²
THK - Deluxe Gaint Screen Tatami Family Room
1 single bed and 1 king bed
55 m²
THK - Deluxe Gaint Screen Triple Room
3 single beds
23 m²
Sunmei - Youxuan Twin Room
2 single beds
55 m²
Sunmei - Deluxe Room, Movie
1 single bed and 1 king bed
23 m²
Sunmei - Youxiang Twin
2 single beds
23 m²
Sunmei - Youxiang Bed Room
1 king bed
23 m²
Sunmei - Youxuan 1 Bed Room
1 king bed
Thank Inn Xinjiang Urumqi Xinshi District Kashgar Dong Road Normal University
Ürümqi, Cina
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