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Mostra Tutto 46 Foto
RAINBOW FOREST Permaculture Field
92 Nosoko, 907-0333
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Cucina, Cucina condivisa
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
80 m²
[Limited time only] Feel the clear air with all 5
40 m²
Healing glamping where you can get in touch with n
40 m²
A special time spent in the wilder
40 m²
《Consecutive stay plan》Enjoy it for 2 consecutive
Healing Glamping That Touches Nature in the Forest
2 queen beds
Healing Glamping That Touches Nature in the Forest
2 queen beds
40 m²
All inclusive A special time spent in the wilder Room
40 m²
Healing glamping where you can get in touch with n Room
80 m²
Limited time only Feel the clear air with all 5 Room
40 m²
Consecutive stay plan Enjoy it for 2 consecutive Room
RAINBOW FOREST Permaculture Field
Ishigaki, Giappone
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