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Pension Shiroi Tsubasa
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Cosa offre questo posto
Cose da fare e modi per rilassarsi
Campo da tennis
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Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
10 m²
Mountain lodge hideout Twin Mountain view Room
12 m²
A a calm Japanese space and the Northern Alps mountain range Japanese Mountain view Room
18 m²
with double bed & single 2 Triple Room
19 m²
A Japanese-style where you can relax with your friends Japanese Mountain view Room
Nostalgic bunk bed Twin Room
A the calm Japanese space and the sunset over the Northern Alps Japanese Mountain view Room
The best for sports training camps with friends and club activities Quad Mountain view Room
Mountain View Japanese-Style Room
Japanese-Style Room
Twin Room
Pension Shiroi Tsubasa
Nagano, Giappone
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