Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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Nearest Hostel Pasay City by RedDoorz
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ascensore, Pulizie giornaliere
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Lingue parlate
Inglese, Filippino
Dove dormirai
12 m²
Standard Double with Shared Bathroom
1 double bed
12 m²
Standard Double Room
1 double bed
Single Room
1 single bed
Standard Twin
1 bunk bed
Single Room with Shared Bathroom
1 single bed
12 m²
Senior Room
2 double beds
12 m²
Standard Twin Room
1 bunk bed
Standard Room
1 double bed
Family Room with Aircon and Private Bathroom
1 queen bed
Standard Twin Room with Shared Bathroom
Nearest Hostel Pasay City by RedDoorz
Manila, Filippine
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