Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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Mountain Stream Apartments
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Ristorazione, bevande e snack
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
55 m²
New construction Enjoy the fresh green Excellen
4 single beds
55 m²
[Massage chair] Good access to ski resort★1 minute
New construction Enjoy the fresh green Excellen
4 single beds
55 m²
Massage chair Good access to ski resort 1 minute Room
55 m²
New construction Enjoy the fresh green Excellen
55 m²
[New construction] Enjoy the autumn leaves! Excell
4 single beds
55 m²
New construction Enjoy the fresh green Excellen
4 single beds
Semi Room(Western Style)
Mountain Stream Apartments
Hakuba, Giappone
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