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Kei Icon Hotels Shinei
2-24-5 Shinsakae Naka-ku 15th Prosper Shinsakae Building, 4600007
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
45 m²
301A Modern Japanesestyle Room Where You Can F<1>
2 double beds
801 Supervised by the designer Chic Modern St
2 double beds
301A Modern Japanesestyle Room Where You Can F<1>
2 double beds
901 A room with a modern taste of healing superv
2 double beds
45 m²
901 A room with a modern taste of healing superv
2 double beds
45 m²
801 Supervised by the designer Chic Modern St
2 double beds
45 m²
301A Modern Japanesestyle Room Where You Can F
2 double beds
45 m²
301 A modern Japanesestyle room where you can f
2 double beds
45 m²
801 Supervised by the designer Chic Modern St
2 double beds
45 m²
901 A room with a modern taste of healing superv
2 double beds
Kei Icon Hotels Shinei
Nagoya, Giappone
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