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Haeundae Hotel With
Corea del Sud
29, Haeundaehaebyeon-ro 298beon-gil, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 48099
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!, Wi-Fi nelle aree pubbliche
Dove dormirai
111 m²
Premium C
111 m²
Premium (1 living room + 1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking allowed, pets allowed (addition
33 m²
Deluxe type (1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking available, dogs allowed (additional fee inc
111 m²
[Strong special price☆] Premium (1 living room + 1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking allowed
33 m²
[Strong special price☆] Deluxe type (1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking allowed, dogs allow
111 m²
Premium Family (1 living room + 2 rooms + 2 bathrooms + 1 kitchen / cooking allowed, dogs allowed (
33 m²
[Exclusive special price★] Deluxe type (1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking allowed, dogs al
111 m²
[Exclusive Special Price★] Premium (1 living room + 1 bedroom + 1 kitchen + 1 bathroom/cooking allo
111 m²
[Strong Special Price☆] Premium Family (1 living room + 2 rooms + 2 bathrooms + 1 kitchen / cooking
111 m²
[Exclusive Special Price★] Premium Family (1 living room + 2 rooms + 2 bathrooms + 1 kitchen / cook
Haeundae Hotel With
Busan, Corea del Sud
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