Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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Apartamenty Sky Tower
Ul. Powstancow Slaskich 95,, 53-332
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Cosa offre questo posto
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Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
38 m²
Deluxe Room with Bathtub
1 queen bed
38 m²
Deluxe Double Room with Bath
70 m²
Superior Suite with Jetted Tub
1 queen bed
100 m²
Apartment Penthouse ( 3 rooms, City View)
2 single beds
100 m²
Apartment Deluxe (2 person, Bathtub City View)
1 single bed
53 m²
One-Bedroom Apartment
70 m²
Superior suite with Jetted tub(1 Queen Bed)
53 m²
Deluxe Queen Studio
70 m²
Deluxe One-Bedroom Apartment with Bath
38 m²
Studio Apartment
Apartamenty Sky Tower
Breslavia, Polonia
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