Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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ANA InterContinental Appi Kogen Resort
117-46 Appi Kogen, Hachimantai-shi, 028-7306
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Cosa offre questo posto
Cose da fare e modi per rilassarsi
Centro fitness
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Lingue parlate
Inglese, Cinese [Mandarino], Giapponese
Dove dormirai
Presidential Suite
131 m²
Appi Suite
68 m²
Premium Room with Terrace (2 Queen Beds)
102 m²
1 Bedroom Suite with Private Garden
68 m²
Premium Accessible Room with Private Garden (2 Queen Beds)
68 m²
Premium Room with Private Garden (2 Queen Beds)
102 m²
1 Bedroom Suite with Terrace
Allocated on Arrival (Premium Room)
68 m²
Premium Twin Room
2 double beds
68 m²
Premium Twin Room
ANA InterContinental Appi Kogen Resort
Hachimantai, Giappone
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