Hotel Amici dei Gatti
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All Rooms Are Family Rooms with a Kitchenette Per
2-11 Omichi Petit Hotel 017, 7700923
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Cosa offre questo posto
Servizi e comodità
Accesso a Internet
Wi-Fi gratuito in tutte le camere!
Dove dormirai
Up to 4 people in the same room Bunk bed family
1 bunk bed
Up to 4 people in the same room Bunk bed family
1 bunk bed
Up to 5 people in the same room Stand family roo
25 m²
Up to 5 people in the same room Stand family roo
25 m²
Up to 4 people in the same room Bunk bed family
1 bunk bed
25 m²
3 People4 People Same Room Double Bed Room Or S
1 single bed and 1 double bed
25 m²
Up to 4 people in the same room Bunk bed family
25 m²
Up to 5 people in the same room Stand family roo
Room Assigned on Arrival
All Rooms Are Family Rooms with a Kitchenette Per
Tokushima, Giappone
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