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Family Lodge Hatagoya Sano SA
Higashiyama, 1022, Kurohakama-cho
Très bon
Noté par les clients
Ce que ce lieu a à offrir
Services et commodités
Restauration, boissons et collations
Service en chambre [24 heures]
Accès Internet
Wi-Fi gratuit dans toutes les chambres!
Où vous allez dormir
Twin Room
Standard Room (with 2 150cm beds & light breakfast), Only accessible from the up-lane on highway
Whole Motel (Smoking & Non-smoking room, 14 units), Only accessible from the up-lane on highway
28 king beds
Standard Twin Room, 2 Queen Beds, Only accessible from the up-lane on highway, Non Smoking
2 king beds or 2 queen beds
Standard Twin Room, 2 Queen Beds, Only accessible from the up-lane on highway, Smoking
2 king beds or 2 queen beds
Standard Room (with 2 150cm beds & light breakfast), Only accessible from the up-lane on highway(2 Queen Beds)
2 queen beds
Standard Room (with 2 150cm beds & light breakfast), Only accessible from the up-lane on highway
2 queen beds
Standard Room (with 2 150cm beds & light breakfast), Only accessible from the up-lane on highway(2 Queen Beds)
2 queen beds
Standard Room (with 2 150 cm Beds&Light Breakfast) , Only Accessible from the up-Lane on Highway
Ce que disent les autres clients à propos de cet hôtel
Family Lodge Hatagoya Sano SA
Sano, Japon
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